Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday Afternoon

Hi all!  Previously I mentioned needing to make a quilt I saw on another blog.  Well, I started it and its so cute, but a bit tedious and oh so easy to make a mistake on!

I decided to make a couple of pieced tops in baby size as someday I may be a grandma.  I won't quilt or back them until I know boy or girl, but at least the tops will be done.
Okay, lets face it, its just an excuse to try my hand at something new!

This is just a small portion.  It will be 8 pinwheels by 8 pinwheels.  This is just the first 3 rows (third row not sewn on yet) and only the portion that would get in the shot.
Will post a full pic when its done and I can hang it to get a better pic.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Evening

I have come to the conclusion that reading quilting books and looking at other quilting blogs is bad for current projects!

 I came across a picture of a quilt I just had to try to imitate.  No directions, just the picture.  I will make it small but I just have to tackle it.....and soon!

 I used to be the type of person that needed to finish one project before starting another.    Now I need to learn to balance my projects so I can have more than one going but not neglect any of them for any length of time!

There are probably lots of quilters that understand the need to constantly play with fabric and have up and coming projects before previous ones are finished! 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday Evening

How nice today was!!  In the 50's, so it felt like spring!  I know, it is just a tease.  It is only February 17 so there is more winter to come.  However the break from all the bitter cold and snow was great and taking a walk without needing a coat, gloves and hat was just heavenly!
I did do more hand quilting on the Dresden plate quilt today.  I am hand quilting all the plates, nothing fancy, just along the outside and inside edge.  I won't be using it till next winter so I have plenty of time.
Going to help my daughter-in-law make a couple of simple quilted placemats.  She fell in love with the backing fabric from my gift exchange wall hanging and wanted a tablecloth made from it.  However there is only a little bit left.  Just enough for one side of 2 placemats.  Will have to dig through my stash to come up with something for the back.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Another finished project!

I read something a while back, I believe it was in an Elm Creek Quilters book, where one of the characters stated that they always made sure there was a mistake in each quilt they made.  Well.....I never have to make sure, it happens naturally for me!  I like to call it 'character' instead!
This wallhanging came out better than it looks in the pic.  The letters show up kind of strange, but in real life they look good!  At least I think so and hopefully the recepient will also like it.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday Morning

Wow, been a few days since I posted anything here.  Nothing new, I ran out of ink for my printer and I wanted to use printable fabric on the back of the gift exchange wallhanging.  Ever used printable fabric?  Its great!  Just type up what you want to say in a word document, or upload a picture and put the fabric in just like a paper. Anyway, can't do anything till I buy a new cartridge.  I did get some more machine quilting done on the Dresden Plate quilt, it is moving along faster than I expected it to.  Must be all the cold snowy days we are getting, can't get outside to do anything else!
Hopefully will get the wallhanging finished soon and post of pic of front and back.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday Evening

I just have to say again how much I love my Singer 201-2!  I am doing some machine quilting, just along the seam lines, on my Dresden Plate quilt.  This machine sews so straight and strong!  Even has enough room to push the extra fabric underneath without much trouble.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Gift Exchange Wallhanging

This is just the top and still needs to be trimmed a bit, then backed, quilted etc.
The 4 blocks each represent something of their lives.  Certainly hope they like it!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wednesday Afternoon

Yeah!! We did not get another foot of snow and we got very little ice/sleet.  We finally caught a break!!
Been working on the small wallhanging today. One block was giving me lots of trouble, mostly because I had to make the pattern myself, and although it is not a complicated one, I am not always good at looking ahead to see what problems may occur a few stitches later.  Conquered it though and will be posting a pic soon.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday Evening

Well, we got another 3-4 inches of snow today.  That would not be so bad except for the fact that part 2 is coming!!  Predicting a foot more of snow plus lots of ice.  That part is scary! 
On the plus side I sat on my couch, watched a movie I DVR'd and handquilted quite a bit today.  The Dresden Plate quilt is looking great!