Monday, December 29, 2014

It Has Been Quite Awhile Since I Posted....

I have been working non-stop on the quilt for my sister & bro-in-law.  The last class was Dec 9th and it had to be done, washed & dried by the 26th!  I just made it with a few days to spare.  It is a tad short of a full queen but close enough.  More importantly they loved it and I was so happy to make it for them!.

During that time I also managed to 'prune' my left ring finger while cutting branches along side our dirveway - 4 stitches and a splint......good thing I could still sew & quilt!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Loving My Newest Creation.......Hope A Baby Will Also Love It Soon

This is a big one at over 6 inches rattles!  Love the fabric and will be making similar ones soon.  Below is the link to my Etsy shop where you can find more baby blocks!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Flea Market Find......................Old Quilt!!! Needs Work...

You can not tell from this picture, but quite a few diamonds are shredded or just plain missing!  So, I am taking my time repairing each block that needs it.  I am also covering over the royal blue blocks as they do not look good at all!

This will have lots of green added and be used in my dining room as a tablecloth. 

I only paid $5.00!!!!  Love these kinds of finds!

My Niece's 16th B'Day...........

I made the pillow, the flowers and the framed 'print'.  She had just done her room over in these colors.

Thankfully she loved everything - the made items and the bought items!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

No Water Needed....Flowers For A Friend......

As I continue with physical therapy for the scar tissue in my hip, I get to stay in touch with a sweet woman named Joann.  She un-expectedly lost a leg and has been in therapy for months.  She just started using a prosthetic and is doing fantastic! 

Her joy and upbeat attitude is an inspiration to all.

I wanted to give her a little something but I wanted it to be someone she does not have to take care of, like real flowers.  So.... I made her flowers from fabric yo-yo's, glued to real sticks.  I love the way they came out and hope it brings some pretty color to her room and her day!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Quilting Class Block # 9........Skinny Star

The bottom pieced section gave me some trouble and I can't seem to fix it stays as it!!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Vintage Looking Pillow Cases......

I had a custom order for a vintage looking queen sized pillow case.  I loved the way it came out so I decided to make a pair for my own bed.   The above is the queen size order.....the below pic is one of mine.  I love the color strip!  I think that I may make it a bit shorter though. 
I used muslin and NOS eyelet.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Quilting Class Block # 8.........


It is called Twisted Star very similar, if not the same, as Card Trick.

I managed to make it 12 1/2 and not lose any of the points!

Here is my spare block - originally I was going to make 2 quilts, but now I am thinking I made us some or all of the spare blocks in the same quilt as the class blocks.....???

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Quilting Class Block # 7 ........Practice & Class Block......

Our instructor recommended that we make a practice block first.....since I have been making a second block for each class anyway this worked out well.

Not as hard as I thought it would be.....just had to go slow and steady.  I am very happy to know how to sew curves!! is the class block!  I never thought I would like such a modern block but I love it!  I have to make more......This was fun because we could lay them out any way we wanted.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Quilting Class Block # 6........

I missed two classes due to now it is catch up time!  This one came out nice.....not easy when you miss the demo!!

The next one - oh my - drunkard path so TONS of curves........AAAHHHH

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Scrap Quilt - Thank You Gift For A Friend.........

36 inches square.   Center is all long scraps that someone gave me a while back.  I think it came out good and I hope my friend likes it!!  It will be a surprise!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Quilting Class Block # 4........................Chinese Puzzle

A lot of pieces to cut and sew!!  It came out just short of 12 1/2 x 12 1/2 so a little bordering and now its a perfect size.

I laid it out a bit different than the one she demonstrated for us:

Friday, May 16, 2014

A Denim Cane Cover.....For The Less Formal Occasion!

Since I will be using this on and off for the next 10 weeks or so I decided that one cover was not enough.

This one is denim with blue and cream check. 

So fashionable!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Junk Store Find..........LOVE IT!!

Hand quilted - queen size -GORGEOUS summer colors.

The best part is that is was only $5.00!!!

 I washed it 3 times in hot water, pretreated a few light stains and its perfect....matches my blue walls and white metal bed so nicely!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

If I Have to Use It.....It Might As Well Be Pretty....................

Since I will be having my 3rd joint replacement surgery I decided the least I could do was make my cane pretty! 

Instead of just a plain steel it is now, gray, black & pink.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Valentine's Day Candy Jars............................

Glue has to dry still......these are Hershey Cocoa containers that will be filled with M&M's, Kisses, etc and sold at the craft fair.....cute right???

This Is Sooo Cute!........

Another button/thread jar with small pincushion on top!  I really like it and hope someone else loves it enough to buy it.....
Comes with some straight pins, 2 small spools of thread and some buttons, all black, red & white

Thursday, January 30, 2014


My newest creation! Will be going to the craft fair and if they do well will be making them for my Etsy shop.


 Upcycled jean pockets sewed on to vintage drawer pulls.  They come with premade notes for your kids. Just tuck one into the pocket each day to let your kids know you are always thinking of them!
Or tuck in your own notes or little surprises like a cookie, toy etc!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Pin Cushion & Thread Jar, Wall Hangings & Misc Jars


I am doing my first craft fair on Feb 8th!  Just signed up so lots of work to do between now and then.

I made these items today....can't you see the denim pocket hanging in a young boys room for his parent to leave little notes for him??

Saturday, January 18, 2014

3rd Year Quilting Class....Block # 1......................

Supposed to be this Z's Block, but since I made a mistake it turned into this!!

Still have to border it to bring it to 12 1/2 x 12 1/2
These will be the colors for each block coming up, looking forward to doing more!

I made another one and did this one correctly!  Will be making a smaller quilt along with a queen sized with the class blocks.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

For My Kitchen...................

I've had this old vintage tray for years now.  Originally I had painted it yellow with flowers.  Today I gave it a makeover with chalkboard black paint and white trim paint.  Going to sit on a chest freezer and be used for fruit.  I was going for an Art-Deco look and I think I achieved it pretty well!

Monday, January 13, 2014

What Your Roomba Really Does When You Set It and Leave....

 I set it to clean my bedroom floor and when I got home I found the phone on top of it. Have no idea how it got there, but I guess the Roomba wanted to chat with someone!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Couch Quilt.......................................

Hand pieced, most of it done yesterday as the outside temps were in the single digits!

Will probably machine quilt since I want it done quickly so hubby and I can take turns having winter naps on the couch!   Measures approx. 48 x 74.