Friday, August 22, 2014

Quilting Class Block # 8.........


It is called Twisted Star very similar, if not the same, as Card Trick.

I managed to make it 12 1/2 and not lose any of the points!

Here is my spare block - originally I was going to make 2 quilts, but now I am thinking I made us some or all of the spare blocks in the same quilt as the class blocks.....???

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Quilting Class Block # 7 ........Practice & Class Block......

Our instructor recommended that we make a practice block first.....since I have been making a second block for each class anyway this worked out well.

Not as hard as I thought it would be.....just had to go slow and steady.  I am very happy to know how to sew curves!! is the class block!  I never thought I would like such a modern block but I love it!  I have to make more......This was fun because we could lay them out any way we wanted.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Quilting Class Block # 6........

I missed two classes due to now it is catch up time!  This one came out nice.....not easy when you miss the demo!!

The next one - oh my - drunkard path so TONS of curves........AAAHHHH

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Scrap Quilt - Thank You Gift For A Friend.........

36 inches square.   Center is all long scraps that someone gave me a while back.  I think it came out good and I hope my friend likes it!!  It will be a surprise!